„Bielefeld School“
The Faculty of History soon developed into one of Germany’s most renowned history faculties on the basis of consensus-based decisions taken during the founding phase. The “reorientation of an old subject” (Koselleck) within the framework of the “Reform University” at Bielefeld provided for a more interdisciplinary, theoretical, social and more scientific interpretation of history. The subject of history was conceptually redefined to be a historical social science accompanied by theoretical analysis. Certain innovations such as transcending the traditional epochal classification of the Antiquity, the Middle Ages and Modern period in favour of the epochal model of the pre-modern and modern eras or Chairs such as “Theorie der Geschichte”(theory of history) or “Sozialgeschichte” (social history) soon became synonymous with the term “Bielefeld School”.
A significant contribution was made by outstanding researchers in the planning and development phase, such as Jürgen Kocka, Reinhart Koselleck, Hans-Ulrich Wehler and others, who soon ensured that the new faculty became a national and international flagship of the young university. The publication of the last volume of Hans-Ulrich Wehler’s five-volume “Deutsche Gesellschaftsgeschichte (1987-2008) (German Social History 1987-2008), a standard work of German historiography, was even publicly acclaimed by German television personality Harald Schmidt.
Source: Sat.1, 30 october 2008
Restructuring of the Faculty
In connection with the integration of the Bielefeld section of the Pädagogische Hochschule Westfalen-Lippe (teacher-training college) into Bielefeld University on 1 April 1980, a reorganisation and restructuring of the faculties became necessary. The result was, among other things, the dissolution of the triple faculty of Education, Philosophy and Psychology (PPP) and the foundation of a new faculty with the two departments of History and Philosophy on March 1, 1980. The co-residence of the large Department of History and the comparatively small Department of Philosophy was described by representatives of the subjects as a “peaceful coexistence” but not a “fruitful coexistence”.
Photo: Seutter
Source: Universitätsarchiv Bielefeld
In the winter semester 2002/02, the (Protestant) Department of Theology was added as the third and smallest department.
Even after a generational change, the Faculty, and in particular the Department of History, continues to be very highly regarded, as evidenced by several funding awards for Collaborative Research Centres, such as the SFB 177 “Social History of the Middle Classes in modern times” 1986 to 1997, whose influence has been recognised by the scientific community. Another example is the Collaborative Research Project “Practices of Comparison”, which started in 2017. A large number of national and international prizes have also been awarded to members of the Faculty. For instance, the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize, Germany’s most important research prize, was awarded to historian Professor Dr. Ute Frevert in 1998, historian Professor Dr. Bernhard Jussen in 2007 and philosopher Professor Dr. Martin Carrier in 2008.